Sunday, October 2, 2016

Arrival weekend at Lancaster Campus!

Welcome to Lancaster! Had goosebumps when I first saw the University signage at the entrance. It is for real! Alighted from the shuttle and was welcomed by the very helpful student and staff, college representatives. Picked my keys to the apartment, pulled down my luggage and there I was in my new home for the next 1 year! House – 7, Crummock Water. Soon we decided to take the city bus to the city centre to grab essentials that we couldn’t afford to postpone to buy by a day. Sainsbury’s super store was the best buy and we stocked up ourselves with basic essentials. Soon we were back and welcomed by the rains, an indication that our umbrellas had to come along next time we stepped out. Sorting out stuff in the room and setting up the kitchen was 60% accomplished. Some of us then caught up with class mates and got to eat some nice pizza for dinner. Back in the house, I was fast asleep in no time. Did the time difference make an impact? Or was I really tired after a busy Saturday? Well – Sunday gave the answer.
I was up as early as 6AM. Finished setting up the room and kitchen, had breakfast and at 10AM we were off to the city center again to grab some stuff that were still pending. Wilko was the sought after store to buy crockery and toiletry. PrimeArk was another super store for clothing and priced reasonably. We then walked in to a cafĂ© to pick something for lunch and Tortellini it was. After a decent lunch, we started our way back, playing tug-off war with the bags. Back home, I sorted stuff that I had just bought and in no time were at the Graduate Social Hub to meet the Principal of Graduate College – Ms. Claire. An amazing 1 hour interaction it was. Soon we stepped out for a campus tour and I got a hang of the depth and width of the University. I still need a map to navigate through the University. Time will heal this as well.
Got back after the tour, bought groceries, got to tick-off some formalities and then managed to cook something for dinner. Now it is 11PM and I am sitting at my desk and penning down my experiences thus far – hope you got the answer. I kicked out jet-lag successfully!
Well, things are keeping me super busy, every day is an experience and I am excited. Meeting new people, networking with classmates and students, interacting with the kind and helpful staff, I am oh so overwhelmed with the things that happened over the arrival weekend and appreciate every bit of it. My classes begin 9AM tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing the full class and the teaching staff! The next post may come a little later, but do keep your hope. 

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